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Breeze chaise de bistrot pliable en métal - Beige


Breeze chaise de bistrot pliable en métal - Beige

UGS : 50822 Catégories : , , Étiquettes : ,

Discover the Breeze folding chair – the ideal companion for a stylish outdoor bistro corner! Available in trendy colours, this chair brings the charm of a Parisian bistro to your terrace. Whether relaxing with an espresso or enjoying a nice dinner, the Breeze folding chair offers comfort and style in one. With its folding design, you can easily create a bistro ambiance even on the smallest outdoor space.

Informations complémentaires

Poids 4.8 kg
Dimensions 44 × 52 × 87 cm
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Kruisstraat 23, 5768 RW
Meijel, Pays-Bas
Tiendschuur 12, 5768 SB
Meijel, Pays-Bas
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0031 (0)85 043 5840
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